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The Story of Indian Onion Exports to Qatar

Kolkata and Bangladesh Quality Onion

Onions, a staple ingredient across the globe, have a particularly interesting story when it comes to trade between India and Qatar. Once a flourishing export route, the recent scenario has been marked by restrictions. Let’s delve into the factors that have shaped this onion odyssey.

A Traditionally Strong Connection

India has been a major exporter of onions, with Qatar being a significant recipient. Data from the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) shows that Qatar consistently ranked among the top ten importers of Indian onions. This trade benefited both nations. India earned valuable foreign exchange, while Qatar ensured a steady supply of this essential vegetable for its population.

The Price Factor and Policy Shifts Qatar Onion export

Onions are susceptible to price fluctuations due to factors like weather and storage limitations. In 2023, India witnessed a surge in domestic onion prices due to unfavourable weather conditions impacting harvests. To curb price inflation and ensure domestic availability, the Indian government implemented a ban on onion exports in December 2023, initially set to last until March 2024.

This policy shift significantly impacted Qatari importers who relied on Indian onions. The ban caused a temporary rise in onion prices in Qatar, highlighting the dependence some countries have on Indian exports.

The Current Status and Uncertainties

As of May 2024, the export ban on Indian onions remains in place. The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has extended the prohibition until further notice. This extension indicates the government’s continued focus on controlling domestic onion prices.

The future of onion exports to Qatar from India is uncertain. The decision to lift the ban will likely depend on factors like India’s upcoming onion harvest and domestic price stability.

Looking Beyond the Ban: Potential for the Future

Despite the current limitations, the India-Qatar onion trade holds potential for the future. Here are some key considerations:

  • Improved Storage Facilities: Investing in better storage infrastructure in India can help regulate onion supplies and minimize price fluctuations, potentially leading to a more stable export environment.
  • Diversification: Encouraging the export of processed or value-added onion products like dehydrated onions or onion paste could offer a more resilient export option.
  • Collaboration: Both countries could explore collaborative measures to ensure a more predictable supply chain, potentially through joint ventures or pre-harvest agreements.


The India-Qatar onion trade or Qatar Onion export story serves as an example of the complexities of international agricultural trade. While the current export ban presents challenges, focusing on long-term solutions like improved storage and diversification can pave the way for a more sustainable and mutually beneficial trade relationship in the future.